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OMRON AUTOMATION » Optoelectronics and Displays


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Part Number Description Manufacturer Price & Lead Time
M165-TG-24D Switch Indicators 24VDC 10mA LED Round Solder Panel Mount with Threads M165-TG-24D OMRON AUTOMATION Request Quote
M165TG5 Switch Indicators 5VAC/5VDC 60mA Incandescent Lamp Round Solder Panel Mount with Threads M165TG5 OMRON AUTOMATION Request Quote
M165TG5D Switch Indicators 5VDC 30mA LED Round Solder Panel Mount with Threads M165TG5D OMRON AUTOMATION Request Quote
M165TGT1 Switch Indicators 110VAC/110VDC 1.5mA LED Round Solder Panel Mount with Threads M165TGT1 OMRON AUTOMATION Request Quote
M165TR12 Switch Indicators 12VAC/12VDC 40mA Incandescent Lamp Round Solder Panel Mount with Threads M165TR12 OMRON AUTOMATION Request Quote
M165TR12D Switch Indicators 12VDC 15mA LED Round Solder Panel Mount with Threads M165TR12D OMRON AUTOMATION Request Quote
M165-TR-24 Switch Indicators 24VAC/24VDC 24mA Incandescent Lamp Round Solder Panel Mount with Threads M165-TR-24 OMRON AUTOMATION Request Quote
M165-TR-24D Switch Indicators 24VDC 10mA LED Round Solder Panel Mount with Threads M165-TR-24D OMRON AUTOMATION Request Quote
M165TR5 Switch Indicators 5VAC/5VDC 60mA Incandescent Lamp Round Solder Panel Mount with Threads M165TR5 OMRON AUTOMATION Request Quote
M165TR5D Switch Indicators 5VDC 30mA LED Round Solder Panel Mount with Threads M165TR5D OMRON AUTOMATION Request Quote
M165TRT1 Switch Indicators 110VAC/110VDC 1.5mA LED Round Solder Panel Mount with Threads M165TRT1 OMRON AUTOMATION Request Quote
M165-TR-T2-S Switch Indicators 220VAC/220VDC 1.5mA LED Round Screw-Less Clamp Panel Mount with Threads M165-TR-T2-S OMRON AUTOMATION Request Quote
M165TW12 Switch Indicators 12VAC/12VDC 40mA Incandescent Lamp Round Solder Panel Mount with Threads M165TW12 OMRON AUTOMATION Request Quote
M165TW12D Switch Indicators 12VDC 15mA LED Round Solder Panel Mount with Threads M165TW12D OMRON AUTOMATION Request Quote
M165-TW-24 Switch Indicators 24VAC/24VDC 24mA Incandescent Lamp Round Solder Panel Mount with Threads M165-TW-24 OMRON AUTOMATION Request Quote
M165-TW-24D Switch Indicators 24VDC 10mA LED Round Solder Panel Mount with Threads M165-TW-24D OMRON AUTOMATION Request Quote
M165TW5 Switch Indicators 5VAC/5VDC 60mA Incandescent Lamp Round Solder Panel Mount with Threads M165TW5 OMRON AUTOMATION Request Quote
M165TW5D Switch Indicators 5VDC 30mA LED Round Solder Panel Mount with Threads M165TW5D OMRON AUTOMATION Request Quote
M165TWT1 Switch Indicators 110VAC/110VDC 1.5mA LED Round Solder Panel Mount with Threads M165TWT1 OMRON AUTOMATION Request Quote
M165TY12 Switch Indicators 12VAC/12VDC 40mA Incandescent Lamp Round Solder Panel Mount with Threads M165TY12 OMRON AUTOMATION Request Quote
M165TY12D Switch Indicators 12VDC 15mA LED Round Solder Panel Mount with Threads M165TY12D OMRON AUTOMATION Request Quote
M165-TY-24 Switch Indicators 24VAC/24VDC 24mA Incandescent Lamp Round Solder Panel Mount with Threads M165-TY-24 OMRON AUTOMATION Request Quote
M165-TY-24D Switch Indicators 24VDC 10mA LED Round Solder Panel Mount with Threads M165-TY-24D OMRON AUTOMATION Request Quote
M165TY5 Switch Indicators 5VAC/5VDC 60mA Incandescent Lamp Round Solder Panel Mount with Threads M165TY5 OMRON AUTOMATION Request Quote
M165TY5D Switch Indicators 5VDC 30mA LED Round Solder Panel Mount with Threads M165TY5D OMRON AUTOMATION Request Quote
M165TYT1 Switch Indicators 110VAC/110VDC 1.5mA LED Round Solder Panel Mount with Threads M165TYT1 OMRON AUTOMATION Request Quote
M16AA12 Switch Indicators 12VAC/12VDC 40mA Incandescent Lamp Square Solder Panel Mount with Threads M16AA12 OMRON AUTOMATION Request Quote
M16AA12D Switch Indicators 12VDC 15mA LED Square Solder Panel Mount with Threads M16AA12D OMRON AUTOMATION Request Quote
M16-AA-24 Switch Indicators 24VAC/24VDC 24mA Incandescent Lamp Square Solder Panel Mount with Threads M16-AA-24 OMRON AUTOMATION Request Quote
M16-AA-24D Switch Indicators 24VDC 10mA LED Square Solder Panel Mount with Threads M16-AA-24D OMRON AUTOMATION Request Quote
M16AA5 Switch Indicators 5VAC/5VDC 60mA Incandescent Lamp Square Solder Panel Mount with Threads M16AA5 OMRON AUTOMATION Request Quote
M16AA5D Switch Indicators 5VDC 30mA LED Square Solder Panel Mount with Threads M16AA5D OMRON AUTOMATION Request Quote
M16AG12 Switch Indicators 12VAC/12VDC 40mA Incandescent Lamp Square Solder Panel Mount with Threads M16AG12 OMRON AUTOMATION Request Quote
M16AG12D Switch Indicators 12VDC 15mA LED Square Solder Panel Mount with Threads M16AG12D OMRON AUTOMATION Request Quote
M16-AG-24 Switch Indicators 24VAC/24VDC 24mA Incandescent Lamp Square Solder Panel Mount with Threads M16-AG-24 OMRON AUTOMATION Request Quote
M16-AG-24D Switch Indicators 24VDC 10mA LED Square Solder Panel Mount with Threads M16-AG-24D OMRON AUTOMATION Request Quote
M16AG5 Switch Indicators 5VAC/5VDC 60mA Incandescent Lamp Square Solder Panel Mount with Threads M16AG5 OMRON AUTOMATION Request Quote
M16AG5D Switch Indicators 5VDC 30mA LED Square Solder Panel Mount with Threads M16AG5D OMRON AUTOMATION Request Quote
M16AR12 Switch Indicators 12VAC/12VDC 40mA Incandescent Lamp Square Solder Panel Mount with Threads M16AR12 OMRON AUTOMATION Request Quote
M16AR12D Switch Indicators 12VDC 15mA LED Square Solder Panel Mount with Threads M16AR12D OMRON AUTOMATION Request Quote
M16-AR-24 Switch Indicators 24VAC/24VDC 24mA Incandescent Lamp Square Solder Panel Mount with Threads M16-AR-24 OMRON AUTOMATION Request Quote
M16-AR-24D Switch Indicators 24VDC 10mA LED Square Solder Panel Mount with Threads M16-AR-24D OMRON AUTOMATION Request Quote
M16AR5 Switch Indicators 5VAC/5VDC 60mA Incandescent Lamp Square Solder Panel Mount with Threads M16AR5 OMRON AUTOMATION Request Quote
M16AR5D Switch Indicators 5VDC 30mA LED Square Solder Panel Mount with Threads M16AR5D OMRON AUTOMATION Request Quote
M16AW12 Switch Indicators 12VAC/12VDC 40mA Incandescent Lamp Square Solder Panel Mount with Threads M16AW12 OMRON AUTOMATION Request Quote
M16AW12D Switch Indicators 12VDC 15mA LED Square Solder Panel Mount with Threads M16AW12D OMRON AUTOMATION Request Quote
M16-AW-24 Switch Indicators 24VAC/24VDC 24mA Incandescent Lamp Square Solder Panel Mount with Threads M16-AW-24 OMRON AUTOMATION Request Quote
M16-AW-24D Switch Indicators 24VDC 10mA LED Square Solder Panel Mount with Threads M16-AW-24D OMRON AUTOMATION Request Quote
M16AW5 Switch Indicators 5VAC/5VDC 60mA Incandescent Lamp Square Solder Panel Mount with Threads M16AW5 OMRON AUTOMATION Request Quote
M16AW5D Switch Indicators 5VDC 30mA LED Square Solder Panel Mount with Threads M16AW5D OMRON AUTOMATION Request Quote
M16AY12 Switch Indicators 12VAC/12VDC 40mA Incandescent Lamp Square Solder Panel Mount with Threads M16AY12 OMRON AUTOMATION Request Quote
M16AY12D Switch Indicators 12VDC 15mA LED Square Solder Panel Mount with Threads M16AY12D OMRON AUTOMATION Request Quote
M16-AY-24 Switch Indicators 24VAC/24VDC 24mA Incandescent Lamp Square Solder Panel Mount with Threads M16-AY-24 OMRON AUTOMATION Request Quote
M16-AY-24D Switch Indicators 24VDC 10mA LED Square Solder Panel Mount with Threads M16-AY-24D OMRON AUTOMATION Request Quote
M16AY5 Switch Indicators 5VAC/5VDC 60mA Incandescent Lamp Square Solder Panel Mount with Threads M16AY5 OMRON AUTOMATION Request Quote
M16AY5D Switch Indicators 5VDC 30mA LED Square Solder Panel Mount with Threads M16AY5D OMRON AUTOMATION Request Quote
M16JA12 Switch Indicators 12VAC/12VDC 40mA Incandescent Lamp Rectangular Solder Panel Mount with Threads M16JA12 OMRON AUTOMATION Request Quote
M16JA12D Switch Indicators 12VDC 15mA LED Rectangular Solder Panel Mount with Threads M16JA12D OMRON AUTOMATION Request Quote
M16-JA-24 Switch Indicators 24VAC/24VDC 24mA Incandescent Lamp Rectangular Solder Panel Mount with Threads M16-JA-24 OMRON AUTOMATION Request Quote
M16-JA-24D Switch Indicators 24VDC 10mA LED Rectangular Solder Panel Mount with Threads M16-JA-24D OMRON AUTOMATION Request Quote
M16JA5 Switch Indicators 5VAC/5VDC 60mA Incandescent Lamp Rectangular Solder Panel Mount with Threads M16JA5 OMRON AUTOMATION Request Quote
M16JA5D Switch Indicators 5VDC 30mA LED Rectangular Solder Panel Mount with Threads M16JA5D OMRON AUTOMATION Request Quote
M16JG12 Switch Indicators 12VAC/12VDC 40mA Incandescent Lamp Rectangular Solder Panel Mount with Threads M16JG12 OMRON AUTOMATION Request Quote
M16JG12D Switch Indicators 12VDC 15mA LED Rectangular Solder Panel Mount with Threads M16JG12D OMRON AUTOMATION Request Quote
M16-JG-24 Switch Indicators 24VAC/24VDC 24mA Incandescent Lamp Rectangular Solder Panel Mount with Threads M16-JG-24 OMRON AUTOMATION Request Quote
M16-JG-24D Switch Indicators 24VDC 10mA LED Rectangular Solder Panel Mount with Threads M16-JG-24D OMRON AUTOMATION Request Quote
M16JG5 Switch Indicators 5VAC/5VDC 60mA Incandescent Lamp Rectangular Solder Panel Mount with Threads M16JG5 OMRON AUTOMATION Request Quote
M16JG5D Switch Indicators 5VDC 30mA LED Rectangular Solder Panel Mount with Threads M16JG5D OMRON AUTOMATION Request Quote
M16JR12 Switch Indicators 12VAC/12VDC 40mA Incandescent Lamp Rectangular Solder Panel Mount with Threads M16JR12 OMRON AUTOMATION Request Quote
M16JR12D Switch Indicators 12VDC 15mA LED Rectangular Solder Panel Mount with Threads M16JR12D OMRON AUTOMATION Request Quote
M16-JR-24 Switch Indicators 24VAC/24VDC 24mA Incandescent Lamp Rectangular Solder Panel Mount with Threads M16-JR-24 OMRON AUTOMATION Request Quote
M16-JR-24D Switch Indicators 24VDC 10mA LED Rectangular Solder Panel Mount with Threads M16-JR-24D OMRON AUTOMATION Request Quote
M16JR5 Switch Indicators 5VAC/5VDC 60mA Incandescent Lamp Rectangular Solder Panel Mount with Threads M16JR5 OMRON AUTOMATION Request Quote
M16JR5D Switch Indicators 5VDC 30mA LED Rectangular Solder Panel Mount with Threads M16JR5D OMRON AUTOMATION Request Quote
M16JW12 Switch Indicators 12VAC/12VDC 40mA Incandescent Lamp Rectangular Solder Panel Mount with Threads M16JW12 OMRON AUTOMATION Request Quote
M16JW12D Switch Indicators 12VDC 15mA LED Rectangular Solder Panel Mount with Threads M16JW12D OMRON AUTOMATION Request Quote
M16-JW-24 Switch Indicators 24VAC/24VDC 24mA Incandescent Lamp Rectangular Solder Panel Mount with Threads M16-JW-24 OMRON AUTOMATION Request Quote
M16-JW-24D Switch Indicators 24VDC 10mA LED Rectangular Solder Panel Mount with Threads M16-JW-24D OMRON AUTOMATION Request Quote
M16JW5 Switch Indicators 5VAC/5VDC 60mA Incandescent Lamp Rectangular Solder Panel Mount with Threads M16JW5 OMRON AUTOMATION Request Quote
M16JW5D Switch Indicators 5VDC 30mA LED Rectangular Solder Panel Mount with Threads M16JW5D OMRON AUTOMATION Request Quote
M16JY12 Switch Indicators 12VAC/12VDC 40mA Incandescent Lamp Rectangular Solder Panel Mount with Threads M16JY12 OMRON AUTOMATION Request Quote
M16JY12D Switch Indicators 12VDC 15mA LED Rectangular Solder Panel Mount with Threads M16JY12D OMRON AUTOMATION Request Quote
M16-JY-24 Switch Indicators 24VAC/24VDC 24mA Incandescent Lamp Rectangular Solder Panel Mount with Threads M16-JY-24 OMRON AUTOMATION Request Quote
M16-JY-24D Switch Indicators 24VDC 10mA LED Rectangular Solder Panel Mount with Threads M16-JY-24D OMRON AUTOMATION Request Quote
M16JY5 Switch Indicators 5VAC/5VDC 60mA Incandescent Lamp Rectangular Solder Panel Mount with Threads M16JY5 OMRON AUTOMATION Request Quote
M16JY5D Switch Indicators 5VDC 30mA LED Rectangular Solder Panel Mount with Threads M16JY5D OMRON AUTOMATION Request Quote
M16TA12 Switch Indicators 12VAC/12VDC 40mA Incandescent Lamp Round Solder Panel Mount with Threads M16TA12 OMRON AUTOMATION Request Quote
M16TA12D Switch Indicators 12VDC 15mA LED Round Solder Panel Mount with Threads M16TA12D OMRON AUTOMATION Request Quote
M16-TA-24 Switch Indicators 24VAC/24VDC 24mA Incandescent Lamp Round Solder Panel Mount with Threads M16-TA-24 OMRON AUTOMATION Request Quote
M16-TA-24D Switch Indicators 24VDC 10mA LED Round Solder Panel Mount with Threads M16-TA-24D OMRON AUTOMATION Request Quote
M16TA5 Switch Indicators 5VAC/5VDC 60mA Incandescent Lamp Round Solder Panel Mount with Threads M16TA5 OMRON AUTOMATION Request Quote
M16TA5D Switch Indicators 5VDC 30mA LED Round Solder Panel Mount with Threads M16TA5D OMRON AUTOMATION Request Quote
M16TG12 Switch Indicators 12VAC/12VDC 40mA Incandescent Lamp Round Solder Panel Mount with Threads M16TG12 OMRON AUTOMATION Request Quote
M16TG12D Switch Indicators 12VDC 15mA LED Round Solder Panel Mount with Threads M16TG12D OMRON AUTOMATION Request Quote
M16-TG-24 Switch Indicators 24VAC/24VDC 24mA Incandescent Lamp Round Solder Panel Mount with Threads M16-TG-24 OMRON AUTOMATION Request Quote
M16-TG-24D Switch Indicators 24VDC 10mA LED Round Solder Panel Mount with Threads M16-TG-24D OMRON AUTOMATION Request Quote
M16TG5 Switch Indicators 5VAC/5VDC 60mA Incandescent Lamp Round Solder Panel Mount with Threads M16TG5 OMRON AUTOMATION Request Quote
M16TG5D Switch Indicators 5VDC 30mA LED Round Solder Panel Mount with Threads M16TG5D OMRON AUTOMATION Request Quote
M16TR12 Switch Indicators 12VAC/12VDC 40mA Incandescent Lamp Round Solder Panel Mount with Threads M16TR12 OMRON AUTOMATION Request Quote
M16TR12D Switch Indicators 12VDC 15mA LED Round Solder Panel Mount with Threads M16TR12D OMRON AUTOMATION Request Quote
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