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Qualstar Corporation

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N2POWER XL275 DC- -DC SERIES ULTRA SMALL, HIGH-E EF FF FIIC CIIE EN NC CY POWER SUPPLIES HIGHLIGHTS  275W DC-DC  3” X 5” Small Footprint  Up to 91% Efficiency  High Power Density: 12 W / cu in.  All Outputs may be Paralleled  Remote On / Off  5W 5V Standby Supply  36 - 76 VDC Input  Active Current Sharing  Built in OR-ing MOSFET for N, N+1 TM  PMBus Interface for Digital Power Typical Mechanical Drawing: Management (optional) Inch Inches ( es (mill millimete imeter rs), s), co conn nnectors an ectors and d pino pinouts m uts may var ay vary w y with ith m mod odel. el.  RoHS Compliant Refer to XL275 Produ Product Sp ct Specific ecification for ation for com complet plete inf e informat ormation ion.  Input to Output Isolation POWER SUPPLY DESIGN LEADER N2Power N2Power co contin ntinue ues s tto o le lead ad the the po pow wer er densi density ty race race wi with th its small, high efficiency XL275 DC-DC DC po power wer supp suppli lies. es. Our Our stat state e of of tthe he art art tec techn hnolo ology gy yields yields a a very very s small mall foo foottprint, print, re redu duc ces es wast wasted ed po power, wer, and and o offe ffers rs tthe he hig high hest est power density in its class. . This This un uniq ique ue de desig sign n me mea ans ns reduced reduced ener energy gy costs, costs, a a greater greater return return o on n yo your ur investment investment, h , hig ighe her r r reliability eliability an and d lon longe ger pro r produ duct lif ct life. e. ADVANCED DIGITAL CONTROLLER The The X XL275 L275 is is the the firs first t p powe ower r supp supply ly iin n tthis his class class tto o use use a a de dedica dicated ted digit digital al mi microcont crocontroll roller er to to s sup upervis ervise e th the e u uni nit’s t’s operation. The microcontroller monitors the following parameters: TM PMBus OPTION  DC input voltage An An o optional ptional PMBusTM PMBusTM di digit gital al comm commun unicatio ications ns int interface erface is is  Output voltage also also provid provided ed to to allow allow u up p tto o fo four ur XL XL27 275 5 to to comm commun unic icate ate  Output current over over the the same same bu bus s usin using g the the PMB PMBus us protocol. This  Transformer temperature interface interface allows allows ro routin utine e r remote emote c con ontrol trol of of th the e m main ain  Ambient temperature ou outp tputs uts and and the the 1 12V 2V fa fans. ns. IIt t can can also also no notify tify tthe he ho hos st t if if a a  Fan tachometer fan fan fails fails (l (lost ost tac tacho homet meter er pu pulses) lses). . The The ho host st ca can n a also lso qu query ery th the e mi microcontroller crocontroller for for its its ou outpu tput t volt voltag age e and and The The mi microcontroller crocontroller enables enables the the main main outpu output t when whenever ever all all of of the the req required uired start startup up con conditions ditions are are met, met, a and nd sh shuts uts it curr curren ent t pl plus us th the e ambi ambien ent t a and nd tra transformer temperatures. do down wn up upo on n comm command, and, loss loss of of inp input ut po power wer or or wh whenev enever er Beca Becaus use e it it is is pro programm grammab able le, , the the mi microco crocontroller ntroller cod code e c can an excessive lo excessive load ads s or temp or temperat eratures are ures are s sen ense sed. d. be be cus customized tomized to to me meet et u uniq nique ue OEM re OEM requ quir ireme ements. nts. C Con ontact tact us us r reg ega ar rding ding custo custom and m and m mo odified dified stan standa dard supp rd suppli lies fo es for r u uniqu nique ap e applications plications. QUALSTAR CORPORATION www.n2power.com Tel: 805-583-7744 NASDAQ: QBAK Rev: 07-20-17 N2POWER XL275 DC- -DC SERIES ULTRA SMALL, HIGH-E EF FF FIIC CIIE EN NC CY POWER SUPPLIES PART RE REGU GULATIO LATION N MAXIMUM RIPPLE & INPU INPUT S T SPECI PECIFI FICA CATIO TIONS NS MODEL OUTPUT VOLTAGE NUMBER (%) CURRENT (A) NOISE (P-P) Nomi Nomin nal Inp al Input V ut Voltage: oltage: 36 – 76 VDC V1 12 ±3 22.9 100 mV Input Current: 9.2 A @ 36 VDC XL275-12DC 400084-03-4 V2 12 ±5 1.0 80 mV Inp Input Protect ut Protectio ion: n: 10 A fuse XL275-12DC CS 400085-03-1 3000 V input to output V3 5sb ±5 1.0 50 mV Safety Isolation: 1500 V input to ground V1 24 ±3 11.5 200 mV XL275-24DC 400084-05-9 OU OUTPUT TPUT SPECI SPECIFIC FICAT ATIO IONS NS V2 12 ±5 1.0 80 mV XL275-24DC CS 400085-05-6 Total Power: 275W V3 5sb ±5 1.0 50 mV † Efficiency: Up to 91% V1 48 ±3 5.7 200 mV † Minimum Load: No load XL275-48DC 400084-06-7 V2 12 ±5 1.0 80 mV XL275-48DC CS 400085-06-4 Over Over / / Under S Under Sh hoo oot: t: Maximum 10% at turn-on V3 5sb ±5 1.0 50 mV PROTECTION V1 54 ±3 5.1 200 mV Overv Overvolta oltage ge Protect Protectio ion: n: V1 and V2 latch off XL275-54DC 400084-09-1 V2 12 ±5 1.0 80 mV XL275-54DC CS 400085-09-8 Overp Overpower ower Prot Protecti ection on:: Protected / Auto-recovery V3 5sb ±5 1.0 50 mV Auto recovery of all outputs Short Short Cir Circ cuit Pr uit Protecti otectio on: n: V1 56 ±3 4.9 200 mV protected against short circuit XL275-56DC 400084-10-9 Auto recovery protection V2 12 ±5 1.0 80 mV XL275-56DC CS 400085-10-6 Therm Thermal Sh al Shutd utdo own wn:: against over-temperature V3 5sb ±5 1.0 50 mV conditions OPERATING S SPECI PECIFI FICA CATIO TIONS NS CS = Current Sharing Operati Operatin ng T g Tem emp peratur erature: e: -25°C to +50°C Temp Temperat erature D ure Derati erating ng:: 2.5% / degree C 50°C to 70°C Stora Storag ge T e Tem empe per rature: ature: -40°C to +85°C Fo Forc rce ed Air d Air C Coo ooli ling ng:: 10 CFM minimum Conv Convecti ection on Coolin Cooling: g: 150W MTBF: > 200,000 hours (calculated) SIGNALS 1 Compliance: Remote Sense: V1 and Return USA / Canada Europe International Active Cu Curr rre ent S nt Sha hari rin ng: g: V1 using OR-ing MOSFET Safety: Underwriters Laboratories: 2006/95/EC - “L “Low ow Vo Volt lta ag ge (Saf e (Safety) ety) IEC 60950-1:2005 (2nd Edition) V2 and V3 outputs may be UL 60950-1:2007 (2nd Directive” Pa Pas ss siv ive Red e Redunda undancy ncy:: Safety of Information Technology wire OR-ed Edition) / C22.2 No. Demko: EN 60950-1:2 1:2006 ( 006 (2 2nd nd Equipment Fan Output 1: V2 on a 2-pin keyed connector 60950-1-07 Safety of nd Edition) + A11:2009 (2 Ed Edit itio ion) n) ON above 45°C ambient or Information Technology Fan Output 2: hot transformer Equipment (ITE) (Optional) Reports fan speed EMC: FCC part 15, subpart B 2004/ 2004/108/E 108/EC “Elec C “Electr tro oma mag gne neti tic c IEC 61204-3 Class B Fan T Fan Tach achom ometer I eter In npu putt: via PMBus Comp Compatibilit atibility y ( (EMC EMC) ) Dir Directi ectiv ve” e” Provides PMBus control / EN 61204-3 Class B Op Opti tio ona nal l PC PC Da Datta a/Clock: status interface High-true CMS logic and LED Power Good O Outp utput ut: 1 See Product Specification for additional information drive outputs LED drive on when V1 and V2 Sta Standby ndby Ou Outtpu put: t: outputs disabled Low-true input enables V1 and Remot Remote E e Enable In nable Inp put ut: † V2 outputs Onboard LED DC On, Power Good Indicators: † Se See Pr e Product oduct Sp Specif ecific ication ation For complete s complete s complete speci peci pecif f fications ications ications on all on all on all models, pl models, pl models, please vis ease vis ease visit o it o it our w ur w ur websi ebsi ebsite a te a te at: w t: w t: ww w ww w w.n2power.com .n2power.com .n2power.com Al All l info informa rmation tion a and nd sp spe eci cifications fications a ar re e b ba as se ed d o on n our our Qu Qua als lstta ar r an and d the the Q Qu ua als lstta ar r logo logo a ar re e re reg gis iste ter re ed d ttradema rademarks rks knowledg knowledge e o of f the the p pro rod du uc cts ts a at t tthe he time time of of p pri rin nti tin ng. g. o of f Qualstar Qualstar Co Cor rp po or ra atio tion n. . N N2 2P Po ow we er r a and nd tth he e N N2P 2Po ow we er r logo logo N2 N2P Po ow we er r r re eserv serve es s tth he e ri right ght to to ch cha ange nge sp spe ec cifi ificat cation ions s a are re trade tradem ma arks rks of of Q Qu ua als lstta ar r C Co orp rpo or ra atio tion n.. Al All l o other ther without notice. trademarks are the property of their respective owners. QUALSTAR CORPORATION www.n2power.com Tel: 805-583-7744 NASDAQ: QBAK Rev: 07-20-17

Frequently asked questions

How does Electronics Finder differ from its competitors?

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Electronics Finder' parent company, GID Industrial, specializes in procuring industrial parts. We know where to find the rare and obsolete equipment that our customers need in order to get back to business. We stand apart from our competition through our commitment to quality, and look forward to the opportunity to show you how.

Is there a warranty for the XL275-48DC?

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The warranty we offer will be based on what we negotiate with our suppliers. Sometimes, a part will be sold as-is and without a warranty. We usually offer a one-year warranty for single board computers in particular because they are our specialty.

Which carrier will Electronics Finder use to ship my parts?

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We use FedEx, UPS, DHL, and USPS. We have accounts with each of them and generally ship using one of those, but we can also ship using your account if you would prefer. We are able to ship with other carriers if you would find it more convenient.

Can I buy parts from Electronics Finder if I am outside the USA?

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Electronics Finder will definitely serve you. We work with international clients all the time, which means we are regularly shipping goods all across the globe.

Which payment methods does Electronics Finder accept?

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Visa, MasterCard, Discover, and American Express are all accepted by Electronics Finder. We will also accept payment made with wire transfer or PayPal. Checks will only be accepted from customers in the USA. Terms may be offered (upon approval) for larger orders.

Why buy from GID?



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What they say about us


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One of our top priorities is maintaining our business with precision, and we are constantly looking for affiliates that can help us achieve our goal. With the aid of GID Industrial, our obsolete product management has never been more efficient. They have been a great resource to our company, and have quickly become a go-to supplier on our list!

Bucher Emhart Glass


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With our strict fundamentals and high expectations, we were surprised when we came across GID Industrial and their competitive pricing. When we approached them with our issue, they were incredibly confident in being able to provide us with a seamless solution at the best price for us. GID Industrial quickly understood our needs and provided us with excellent service, as well as fully tested product to ensure what we received would be the right fit for our company.



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Our company provides services to aid in the manufacture of technological products, such as semiconductors and flat panel displays, and often searching for distributors of obsolete product we require can waste time and money. Finding GID Industrial proved to be a great asset to our company, with cost effective solutions and superior knowledge on all of their materials, it’d be hard to find a better provider of obsolete or hard to find products.

Applied Materials


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Over the years, the equipment used in our company becomes discontinued, but they’re still of great use to us and our customers. Once these products are no longer available through the manufacturer, finding a reliable, quick supplier is a necessity, and luckily for us, GID Industrial has provided the most trustworthy, quality solutions to our obsolete component needs.

Nidec Vamco


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This company has been a terrific help to us (I work for Trican Well Service) in sourcing the Micron Ram Memory we needed for our Siemens computers. Great service! And great pricing! I know when the product is shipping and when it will arrive, all the way through the ordering process.

Trican Well Service


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When I can't find an obsolete part, I first call GID and they'll come up with my parts every time. Great customer service and follow up as well. Scott emails me from time to time to touch base and see if we're having trouble finding something.....which is often with our 25 yr old equipment.

ConAgra Foods

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